A solo sport canoe aptly described as a joyful cork,
the Mayfly is perhaps the definition of sport canoe. Generous flare in bow and stern quarters permit good final stability while the unique recurved sides reduce paddler reach and make the boat very comfortable to paddle. These same elements contribute to the ability to handle rough water with ease, giving the feeling of extreme buoyancy. The pulled-in gunwales allow the boat to be rolled much further than a more open design without taking water over the sides. This gunwale configuration combined with flared stems and slight rocker allow the paddler to carve turns with ease in freestyle paddling. Deep, fine stems and efficient waterline encourage tracking ease; in fact the Mayfly cruises with surprising speed beside longer solo and tandem canoes. The canoe may feel a little tender for the first time paddler but its feel is quickly learned. At the listed hull weights it is a joy to paddle by small people. For going somewhere, or going nowhere, this canoe is just plain neat! |